If you have WAA events scheduled and there is poor weather, use your good judgment on play; do not jeopardize yourself or your children for a sporting event. Lightning is an ever present danger and parents and coaches should stop activities and seek shelter if lightning is visible.
The City of Woodbury provides cancellation notification though the City In Touch system.
During the spring, summer and fall, this is the most common question the Parks and Recreation Department receives. There are several ways for you to be notified when the fields are closed.
City of Woodbury website
•From www.ci.woodbury.mn.us, select “Athletic Field Notices” from the left “Quick Links” menu. http://www.ci.woodbury.mn.us/parks-and-trails/athletic-fields-and-field-maps
InTouch email notification system
•Sign up for the “Recreation – weather alerts/schedule changes” list at http://www.ci.woodbury.mn.us/intouch .
Field closure decisions for high school sports will be made by noon; decisions for youth organizations will be made by 3 p.m. Please keep in mind that unless you see a note about fields being closed from any of these services, all outdoor athletic fields are open.